Åre for kids
Winter Holidays
Here are our top tips for a really fun winter vacation in Åre. Hang out with Valle the snowman in the ski slopes, wallow in waf…
Waffle Indulgence
A waffle seldom tastes better than on a cold winters day in the mountain…
Winter Bucket List
Yihaaa! We’ve put together a list of 20 things you just have to do…
Skiing in Åre for kids
It’s in the children’s ski area the beginning of a long and happy skiing career begins. Gentle slopes, button lifts…
Water running wild
The water streams, roars, fizzles, changes color and continues its way d…
3 x Green trails
A world champion is not built in one day and we all have to start somewh…
Activating the Almost Teen
Not a child and not a teen. Here’s our list 10 activities perfect for someone in between.
Wind down
Ta det lugnt. En väl så viktig aktivitet för barn i Åre. Vi har plockat…
Restless legs?
Children’s energy rarely ends so being in motion is a must. To mak…
Stay indoors
Give yourself a pause from all the outdoor activities and stay indoors for a while – we’ve listed seven sweet things for…