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The company Åre Destination AB

The Åre Destination organisation consists out of a strong core of competent co-workers who work hard to contribute to create good conditions for our local businesses. Åre Destination is the hub around which there are a number of support functions and experts within specific areas who can provide reinforcements when we need special competence or just more hands on deck. That way, we can keep a small but flexible team which still stands strong when it’s needed the most.

Contact Åre Destination

Please contact us at the Åre Destination office at: info@aredestination.com

You can also contact us via 
Facebook and Instagram (click the logos below) at @aresweden.


Åre Tourist Information Office

Do you have questions concerning your stay in or travel to Åre? Please contact the Åre Tourist Information Office:

+46 647-163 21

Also, you can read more about traveling to Åre here.

Job Inquiries in Åre

For job inquiries, please contact the respective local company in Åre that you are interested in working for. A list of companies, all members of Åre Destination, is found here.

SkiStar is the ski area operator in Åre. SkiStar also operates a number of shops, ski schools and other activities. If you wish to work for them, please go to their website and contact them via email or phone.