Åre Glashytta

Åre Glashytta


There are sights and attractions in Åre to discover all year around. Get to know the historic buildings and events that took Åre from a farmer’s village to an international renowned ski resort. Just a few steps from the town square lies the old Åre Church built in stone in the Middle Ages. In addition to the historic elements you can experience today’s culture in the making with local artisan food, arts, crafts and natural phenomena that are worth more than one visit. Choose your direction and explore!

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Åre Kafferosteri, Årevägen, Åre

+4670-647 57 27


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Björnänge 801, 830 13 Åre

+46 647-155 80


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Buustamons Fjällgård, Åre

+46 647-531 75


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Stinsvägen 12, Duved

+46 647 260 70


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Årevägen 118, Åre

+46 70 332 01 31


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Byvägen 38, Undersåker

+46 70 654 06 80


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Buustamons Fjällgård, Åre

+46 647-531 75


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Karolinervägen 24, Duved

0647 - 160 90


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Åre kommun

+46 647-163 21


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837 52 Åre

+46 703156346


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