Åre Torg Hotell

Hostels and Bed & Breakfasts

Social and more budget-oriented accommodation. Most hostels are self-catered but some of them serve breakfast.

Parkvägen 6, 830 13 Åre

+46 647–510 40


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EDSÅSDALEN 659, 830 10 Undersåker

+46 647-332 00


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Buustamons Fjällgård, Åre

+46 647-531 75


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Kabinbanevägen 22, 837 52 Åre

+46 647-52555


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Åre Bed & Breakfast, Tottvägen 12, Åre

+46 647-511 40


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Hålland 290, 837 96 Undersåker

+46 647 66 55 00


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