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Photo: Frida Berglund


Photo: Frida Berglund


Photo: Frida Berglund

Trail running with kids

Take the whole family for a run and stop at the winding streams, spectacular views and other exciting places. Trail running with your children doesn’t have to go fast, the most important thing is to have fun! And as usual with kid’s activities, don’t forget to bring something yummy packed with energy in your pocket to pull out when the little legs become less restless.

Trails to Lillådammen and Byxtjärn

Distance: 7 km

Trail 221 which takes you towards Lillådammen and Byxtjärn is ideal for running with the whole family. The trail starts at Fröå Gruva and after a few kilometres the trail divides towards two different tarns. Byxtjärn is a little closer, while Lillådammen offers a slightly narrower path and is a bit further away. To save energy, we recommend walking in the uphill slopes and running when possible. You’ll have mostly downhill slopes on the way home. The same route takes you back to the starting point again (the distance measures the total route back and forth). Best reward ever is the lunch served at Bergstugan in Fröå when you return!

Find your way: Take trail 221c


Elevation: 410 m | Distance: 10,3 km

Take the ski lifts VM6:an and Hummelliften up to Mörvikshummeln, then follow the signs to trail 210. Super exciting to ride the ski lift without skis, and with dangling legs watch everything moving around under your feet! Alternatively, to skip a few height meters along the way, you take the lift VM8:an up, and get to run down the hill almost all the way. On the plateau above Rödkullen ski lifts is a nice spot to take a break, with an amazing view and some tarns to dip the toes into. The trail goes down in the valley Stendalen with a nice view towards Mullfjället in the west and then turns east with lovely downhill run through mountain birches towards the village.

Find your way: Take trail 201


Elevation: 160 m | Distance3,9 km

Solstigen is one of the locals’ favourite trails that has been trodden for over 100 years. Start at the funicular Bergbanan at Fjällgården and run through protective mountain forests on the slope of Totthummeln. After half the route, the trail turns off and takes you down to Åre Square via a cosy village road.

Find your way: Take trail 219


Elevation: 90 m | Distance: 4,2 km

Family-friendly Fröå Gruva, a tiny old village built around the old copper mine, offers many favourites for all ages with the Åtorps tour as a nice variant for those with a lot of pep in their legs. The trail runs through the forest the entire way. Back at the mining village of Fröå there is an open shed with a fire place and plenty of wood, bring some sausages to grill to finish the run. In this area there is a lot to  explore once the energy levels are up again!

Find your way: Take trail 225

Last updated 8 August 2023