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Åre XC-arena located in Björnen.

Photo: Niclas Vestefjell

Cross-country tracks and passes in Åre

There are plenty of tracks and trails for cross-country skiing to choose from in and around Åre. The various areas for cross-country skiing around Åre all have a somewhat different character and offer different types of trails, surrounding terrain and feeling. We’ll figure out the differences and hope to guide you to the right track, so that you can easily find your favorite. 


Track passes

For the trails in Duved, Ullådalen and Björnen, the same track pass applies, price list is found here. You can buy track passes in the machines at the respective track centres or at any SkiStar shop. Day passes can also be bought at the Skidcenter ÅreBjörnen and Fjällsport in Duved. Children under 6 years may use the tracks for free.

# Björnen

Åre Björnen’s trails run mostly in sheltering tree terrain. The tracks are curvy with mostly sloping slightly uphill and downhill. There are a few more steeper slopes. All tracks are prepared for classic and skate. Direction = clockwise. The tracks begin at the track centre, but there are connecting trails from the children’s lifts in central Björnen. Updated information about which tracks are open and when they were last prepared is found here.

In Björnen you’ll find the following tracks:

  • 1 km. Very easy
  • 3 km. Easy (lit track 07-22)
  • 5 km. Easy to intermediate (lit track 07-22)
  • 7,5 km. Easy to intermediate
  • 10 km. Easy to intermediate
  • 15 km. Easy to intermediate

Find Åre Björnen’s tracks at aretrails.com.

# Duved

Duved’s tracks are a bit more difficult than Björnen’s. Slightly tougher inclines provides great cardio training and a bit more speedy going downhill. There are usually fewer people in the Duved tracks than in Björnen (except when the ski club Duveds IF is training). The tracks run mostly in wind-sheltering forests. Start your journey at the track centre at Hamrelia or from the parking lot between Hotell Renen and Föreningshuset in Duved city centre (connection track prepared for classic skiing, 600 meters). Direction = clockwise. Groomed for classic and skate. Updated information about which tracks are open and when they were last prepared is found here.

In Duved you’ll find the following tracks:

  • 2,5 km. Easy (lit track 07-22)
  • 5 km. Intermediate (lit track 07-22)
  • 7 km. Intermediate to difficult (lit track 07-22)
  • 10 km. Intermediate to difficult
  • 15 km. Intermediate to difficult

Find Duved’s tracks at aretrails.com.

# Ullådalen

The trails in Ullådalen are mostly in weather exposed mountain terrain. The tracks here start to be groomed a little later in the season, but snow conditions in these higher grounds allow them to be open and skiable longer in the spring. There are both steep climbs and longer slopes in these tracks, following the hilly terrain. The tracks are groomed for classic and skate skiing. Updated information about which tracks are open and when they were last prepared is found here.

In Ullådalen you’ll find the following tracks:

  • 2,5 km. Intermediate
  • 5 km. Intermediate
  • 6,5 km. Intermediate

Find Ullådalen’s tracks at aretrails.com

# Lake Åresjön

A classic track is made a little later in the season when the lake has frozen over with a solid ice. Because of the openness of the terrain, it’s harder to for the tracks to hold their form due to the wind and snow blowing over the track. On the other hand, it is an extremely nice, flat loop to ski on when the weather allows. Start at Holiday Club and head counter clockwise, it’s a beautiful view of Åre and Mt. Åreskutan when you reach the other side. Updated information about whether this track is open and when it was last prepared is found here.

Find Lake Åresjöns trails at aretrails.com.

Södra (South) Årefjällen

The area Södra Årefjällen consists of the villages and mountains south from Åre; Edsåsdalen, Trillevallen, Ottsjö and Vålådalen. All the tracks in Södra Årefjällen, as well as tips and practical information are described on the website Fjällupplevelser.

Track pass

All the areas in Södra Årefjällen, described further below, have a joint track pass valid in all of the tracks. Price list and more information is found here.

# Edsåsdalen

The tracks in Edsåsdalen run through sheltered terrain and are partly challenging without excessive technical difficulties. There are two track centres here; one at the parking lot at the top of the village and one below Köjagården and Renfjällsgården. The short track (1.2 km) often opens early in the season due to the help of artificial snow. The same goes for the biathlon arena.

In Edsåsdalen you’ll find the following tracks:

  • 1,2 km. Classic, skate
  • 3,5 km. Classic, skate (lit track)
  • 5,5 km. Classic, skate
  • 6,5 km. Classic
  • 10 km. Classic, skate
  • 14 km. Classic, skate

Find current track status as well as track pass information at fjällupplevelser.com.

# Trillevallen

Trillevallen holds Årefjällen’s longest track system with a total of 120 km of groomed tracks. The tracks are groomed for classic and skate skiing and run in sheltering terrain among the trees.

In Trillevallen you’ll find the following tracks:

  • 1,5 km. Classic, skate (Lit track)
  • 2,5 km. Classic, skate
  • 5 km. Classic, skate
  • 7,5 km. Classic, skate

Another twelve miles of tracks are groomed for classic along the way and these tracks are linked to other destinations in Södra Årejällen.

Find the current track status in Trillevallen at fjällupplevelser.com.

# Ottsjö

In Ottsjö you’ll find tracks prepared for classic and skate skiing. In addition to the cross country tracks listed below there are several trails for touring skiing.

In Ottjö you’ll find the following tracks:

  • 5,6 km. Classic, skate
  • 7,6 km. Classic, skate
  • 7,2 km. Intermediate. Classic

Find updated track status information at fjällupplevelser.com.

# Vålådalen

All of Sweden’s cross-country clubs and the Swedish XC ski team go to Vålådalen to train. We’re talking about one of Sweden’s best-known Nordic skiing facilities for cross-country skiing. Vålådalen is also the official Vasalopp Centre, if you are aiming on participating in any kind of XC-race this is the place to get prepared.. Track cards and access to the waxing hut is included in the price of accommodations at Vålådalen Fjällstation. All tracks are counter clockwise and dogs are is prohibited on the lit tracks.

In Vålådalen you’ll find the following tracks:

  • 2 km. Classic, skate (Lit track)
  • 3 km. Classic, skate (Lit track)
  • 3 km. Lake Placid track
  • 3 km. Interval track
  • 3,5 km. Sapporo track
  • 4 km. Classic, skate (Lit track)
  • 5 km. Classic, skate (Lit track)
  • 6,5 km. Sapporo track
  • 7 km. Classic, skate (Lit track)
  • 10 km. Lahti track
  • 14 km. Lill-Kollen
  • 17,5. Holmenkollen track

Detailed information about the tracks and how to purchase track passes can be found at fjällupplevelser.com.

Equipment & Guides

Vålådalen 247, 830 12 Vålådalen

+46 647-353 00



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ULLÅDALEN 230, 830 13 Åre

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Karolinervägen 18, 837 71 Duved

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Årebjörnen Skidcenter AB, Fröåvägen 33, Åre

+46 647-134 70



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Stationsvägen 14, 830 13 Åre

+46 647-507 00



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Last updated 21 December 2024


Nordic Skiing See & Do