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Work & Stay in Åre

Are you interested in working and staying in Åre? If you’re working or studying remotely or if you wish to move your office to the mountains, we have the tips you need here. Or maybe you’re even thinking about moving permanently to Åre but want to try it out for a shorter period of time before deciding. Then you’ve also come to the right place. Below you’ll find tips on what to think about and some good to know-information.

Securing a roof over your head is the first thing on the list if you are planning to stay in Åre for a longer period of time. And it is a good thing to not only think about the costs but also the location and whether your planned accommodation suits your needs.

Some questions to start with:

  • Are there grocery stores and other service points near by or is it okay-to not have those things within walking distance?
  • Is public transportation available where your accommodation is located?
  • Is parking included in your accommodation?
  • Does the rent include Internet connection?
  • Is there enough space for inviting friends and family to stay?
  • Is there a desk or another comfortable option for you to sit at?

When you have decided what type of accommodation you are looking for you can start by checking with the accommodation services, such as SkiStar that are available in Åre. You can also check at airbnb.se and various Facebook pages if there are private housing options available for rent. Some hotels offer longstay as well (see below). Hotels that don’t have specific longstay offers might also adjust their price if you are staying for a longer period of time.


Check outside Åre village, for example in Tegefjäll, Ullån, Duved or Undersåker. Prices are often reduced if you search a bit further from Åre center.

Find Your Longstay Accommodation

When working and staying in Åre, you need to find the most suitable accommodation for you. Below are some options but of course, there are always other ways of finding the best option for you, such as privately rented accommodation (see below).

Åre Fjällsätra, Undersåker

Undersåker village is located 16 kilometers from Åre and is well connected with Åre via trains and buses. Fjällsätra offers different options of longstay accommodation which you can find here >>

Köjagården, Edsåsdalen

Köjagården is located in Edsåsdalen cirka 25 minutes south of Åre. They have longstay options and you can contact them directly for more information and booking. Go to the website here >>

Private Accommodation

At Airbnb and on social media (mainly Facebook), you can find privately owned accommodation in and around Åre. Prices are usually stated per night but you can contact the owner to discuss a reduced price for long time – rentals.  

Other Options

You can always contact the hotel/accommodation service to check with them if they have available offers. It’s always worth asking the question!


  1. If you don’t wish to work from your new home, have a look at the House Be office hotel where you can rent a work station. There are also other businesses that rent work space from time to time (browse for work space+Åre to find specific offers). You can also sit at the library which is located in the Station House. 
  2. Working and staying in Åre can feel like a major step. If you are thinking about moving permanently to Jämtland/Härjedalen, or specifically Åre, you can get help from Ta steget and their relocation counselors.

Good to Know

Via this link you’ll find information about where to shop for groceries, where to find the pharmacy etcetera. 

If you’re bringing your pet, make sure to check beforehand that they are allowed in your accommodation.

If you’re bringing a car, make sure that parking is included in your accommodation. Also, download the Mobilpark app for easy parking in Åre. Some of the SkiStar parking lots are chargeable which means you need to pay per minute/hour or have a parking permit. If you have a seasonal SkiPass you can add a fee which gives you free parking on all SkiStar’s parking lots (ask about it when you purchase your SkiPass). Read more about parking, charging your vehicle and more in Åre here >>

Last updated 21 August 2024

