Åre Kafferosteri
10 x Tips – Activities in March
March is a wonderful month in Åre, the start of the fifth season, and there’s plenty to do – as usual. Here is a li…
Åre Cafés in White Guide
Each year, hundreds of Swedish restaurants and cafés are tested and eval…
Skiing and Christmas Spirit
December in Åre is, as one might guess, about skiing and the Christmas a…
Organic Cafés in Åre
De flesta caféerna i och kring Åre kör ekologiskt och egentillverkat. Men några har jobbat för lite extra för en KRAVmärkning.<...
Åre products
There’s no reason to leave the Åre bubble just because you’re heading ho…
Tastes of Åre
The most ravishing tastes are produced overlooking Mt Åreskutan. We̵…